Friday, 11 August 2017

August is here!

Monday 31st July - Sunday 6th August 2017

We were going to meet Karla with ben and Tori today, but unfortunately Karla was not well! So instead I took Sarragh and Cillian down to Caroline bay with a frisbee and bat and ball. Sarragh found they frisbee golf things and really enjoyed it so at some point I'm gonna get he  ma couple more frisbees from the two dollar shop so we can have a good go at it!

Today I met Julia at coffee culture, as I'm going to start tutoring her to help her improve her English. I had made a few tests (basically the same as the ones I did for tesol last year at uni!) and that's pretty much all we did today. I'm excited to be able to put tesol into practice again as I loved doing it!

Wednesday - Thursday
Haven't been doing anything to crazy over the past couple of days as Cillian is still recovering from being ill

After music this morning, we went to the play ground as usual but then headed to the library as they had some woman in promoting her new book with music and atories. Normally the library have really cool things on but this was super cheesy and very very boring for us au pairs! Luckily the kids had heaps of fun so that made it worth it! Afterwards, River brought Hazel over to ours to play and Cillian proposed to Hazel with a candy ring! Very cute.

Emily and I were going to go out tonight, but as she hasn't been feeling well all week so we decided to postpone until my last weekend! So today I didn't really do a whole lot shock! The most productive part of my day was when I walked down to PAC n save to get true $1.49 tim tams!

Today Emily, Karla, Elena and I went to Dunedin and we also met River, Lindsay and Svenja (Hazel and Will's cousin's au put, they live in Dunedin) down there. My main reason for coming was to stock up on chocolate to send home and to buy some presents for the boys! A few of the others did the chocolate factory tour, I couldn't really warrant spending the money on a third tour so I settled myself down in the cafe with a caramilk donut and a caramilk hot chocolate... safe to say I felt very sick afterwards but omg it was so worth it! We then decided to go to Larnarch Castle, but River's car wouldn't start! So we spent a couple of hours trying to sort that out before heading to the castle. I don't know if it's my British snobbery (everyone else thought it was pretty cool) but I was like is that it? The 'castle' (big house) was underwhelming and the gardens that looked huge on the maps were tiny! The cool thing was that it had an Alice in Wonderland theme so that was pretty cute! On the way home Emily and I graced Karla and Elena with our beautiful singing... mainly Disney and Bieber 😂 I don't think they were too impressed! Although we stopped off at the Moeraki boulders and they liked them!

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