Monday 10th September 2012
This morning I awoke to a note from Lory:
I've just realised that I have not mentioned that today was the day we were all going to move into an apartment together! We were all absolutely buzzing with excitement. However, I really felt like I would miss my host family. They have been ridiculously kind and helpful and have welcomed me, a complete stranger, into their home and treated me like part of their family. I could never thank them enough for how they treated me. I was extremely lucky!
This little guy lives in the block of apartments my chamily live in. He's such a cutie. |
My chum took me to CC English School experiment centre branch at 10am and we said our farewells, and had an extremely awkward hug. Everyone apart from Dan and Hamish were already there.
Whilst we were waiting, Georgia was a bit peckish and decided to have a yoghurt that she happened to have in her bag. The yoghurts in GuiYang were pouches that you really need to drink with a straw as it was quite awkward to consume them otherwise! As she had never had a yoghurt in this packaging before, we were unsure on how to open it. Georgia just decided to go for it and ripped it apart. Unfortunately, it exploded all over the floor, on her legs on on Ben's bag! Not the best start to the day Georgia!
We thought that the apartment would be quite a while away, and when we were told we would be walking bare in mind we had all our luggage with us, none of us were particularly happy with it. However, it turned out that the apartment was literally just up the street, less than a ten minute walk!
The problem we faced now was climbing the eight flights of stairs. With all our luggage. It was rather heavy. I couldn't make it. I gave up on the fifth floor and one of the CC English teachers Terry, carried up for me thank goodness! I'm so unfit, it's ridiculous.
View from our lounge. |
When we walked into the apartment, it seemed absolutely amazing! But, after a closer inspection, we found that it was extremely dirty and to top it all off, there were only five rooms, which meant there were only ten beds. There were twelves of us. Apparently CC English school though that it would be perfectly ok to solve this issue by putting a double bed up on the landing. What?
Lounge. |
Dining area/ Ping Pong table |
Girls' bathroom |
Kitchen |
Downstairs bathroom |
Upstairs bathroom |
I can't seem to find photos of our rooms anywhere... If I find them I'll put them here!
We decided that the fairest way to decide who gets what room, was to put a number on each of the bedroom doors, get into pairs then pick a number out of the hat, the pair with nothing on their paper had to deal with the landing bed.
Georgia and I ended up with a pretty decent room thank goodness! I don't know what I would have done if I had to sleep on the landing... a girl needs her privacy! We had a blare room with a big double bed right in the centre. There was a TV, a nice chunky one that we just couldn't get to work, a lockable door, air conditioning and... the best bit... it was the en suite room! We also had a guest in our room. Meet 'Hans':
I would now like to dedicate this spot of my blog to Dan and Ollie. They were the unfortunate pair that had to sleep on the double bed on the landing. Despite the fact that it was way less than ideal, they barely complained at all about it, and didn't once ask to swap. Thanks guys!
Natasha and Terry, the CC English School teachers assisting us today, then took us to another Walmart, basically so we could have a choice between the two. It was about the same size as the other one, and was right next to a shopping centre which had a massive aquarium tank just casually in the middle. Pretty sweet. We ended up spending 1,640 RMB about £164 on cleaning supplies amongst other housewares to attempt to shift the filth from the apartment. As there was way too much to carry, a couple of the others got a taxi back down to the house with the stuff, whilst the rest of us walked back.
After the others had dropped the cleaning stuff back at the apartment, we all got taxis to a restaurant called Pizza Fun. It was an all you can eat restaurant that specialised in Pizza's and other western dishes! This was super exciting to us all, although it was nowhere near as nice as the food back home.
When we got back it was time to tackle the apartment. We all designated areas for pairs, Emma and I got the girls bathroom then just cracked on! We bleached every inch of that place and got it spick and span. We were so proud of our achievement. I don't think I have worked that hard cleaning anything ever... and I used to work as a cleaner!
After we had all finished, we were all knackered and hungry. There was no food in the place. This required another trip to Walmart and, sadly, a trip up and down the eight flights of stairs again! But, as it was desperate times, we soldiered through! Afterwards, everyone except Emma, Georgia, Dan and I went to a bar for some drinks. We couldn't make it, we were exhausted. This also meant that we could have undisturbed wifi time! Georgia and I ended up face timing the gorgeous Gabby as she was getting things sorted before she started uni! Missed her loads whilst we were out in China... Hi Gabby!

After a while we went to bed, just about got to sleep before the others came back and a few of them barged in our room. This was not ideal. We were not impressed. Hopefully, this wasn't going to be a regular occurrence.
Tuesday 11th September 2012
Our first night in the new apartment wasn't as bad as expected. Sure, there isn't a 'mattress' on our bed and we sleep on 'wooden boards' but its ok... at least we have two quilts underneath us? Georgia and I share the bed, as its a double bed, luckily, we have separate quilts which makes it way less claustrophobic and more bearable long term!
Today, despite the fact that the girls didn't need to be up until 10 to go shopping, the whole house was rudely awoken by Hamish banging the frying pans together. We were not amused. He was. Thankfully, the boys left at 8, which gave us a couple of extra hours sleep!
Natasha took us to a shopping centre full of really expensive brands well out our price range , and we browsed a bit, drooling over the luxurious items before going to another shopping centre not too far away. The best thing about this shopping centre was that it had a H & M! This was the first shop we had seen so far that we can find in England, it made us ridiculously over excited!
Is that a model? |
We went to a restaurant for lunch, and had an amazing meal. Beijing duck and rice! It was so good. We browsed a bit more before making our way back to our apartment, where we found the boys back already!
We mutually decided to do group meals, and put money into the 'kitty' to get ingredients. James volunteered to make carbonara as the first meal, and we were all up for this! Unfortunately, it took him just under four hours and didn't taste overly great when he had finished. He had used yoghurt instead of milk. In his defence the milk and yoghurt containers look exactly the same!